API Reference

This guide will walk you through integrating the Saakuru App wallet into your Android app.

Step 1: Adding Saakuru Mobile SDK to your project

To begin integrating the Saakuru Mobile SDK into your Android application, you need to add the SDK package as a dependency in your project. The SDK package is hosted on Maven Central, making it easy to include in your app using Gradle:

Add the following config to your local properties file:


sdk.environment=test (test(testnet), stage(mainnet), prod(mainnet))
sdk.mainnet=depending-on-set-environment (false/true)


Add the following code to your build.gradle file:

allprojects {  
  repositories {  
    maven { url '<https://www.jitpack.io'> }  
    maven {  
      Properties properties = new Properties()  
      try {  
        properties.load(new FileInputStream(rootProject.file('local.properties')))  
      } catch (Exception e) {  
        println("Failed to load local.properties file.")  
      url properties.getProperty('walletsdk.maven.url')  
      credentials {  
        username = properties.getProperty('walletsdk.maven.username')  
        password = properties.getProperty('walletsdk.maven.password')  

Add the following code to your app/build.gradle file

implementation 'io.github.aag-ventures:MetaOneSDK:{version}' (latest ver. 1.8.2)

Add mapping to local.properties key values to your app/build.gradle file:

defaultConfig {  
        Properties properties = new Properties()  
        // M1 SDK auth realm  
        buildConfigField("String", "SDK_REALM", "\"${properties["sdk.realm"]}\"")  
        // M1 SDK environment (dev, test, stage, prod)  
        buildConfigField("String", "SDK_ENVIRONMENT", "\"${properties["sdk.environment"]}\"")  
        // Wallet SDK Key (provided by AAG)  
        buildConfigField("String", "SDK_KEY", "\"${properties["sdk.key"]}\"")  
        // Client config url  
        buildConfigField("String", "SDK_CONFIG_URL", "\"${properties["sdk.config.url"]}\"")  
        // Client reference for API (provided by AAG)  
        buildConfigField("String", "SDK_API_CLIENT_REFERENCE", "\"${properties["sdk.api.client.reference"]}\"")  
        // Client Key Phrase for API  
        buildConfigField("String", "SDK_API_KEY_PHRASE", "\"${properties["sdk.api.key.phrase"]}\"")  

Step 2: Initializing SDK

Initialize MetaOneSDKManager instance:
metaOneSDKManager = new MetaOneSDKManager(this);

Map your BuildConfig values to sdkConfig object:

SDKConfig sdkConfig = new SDKConfig(BuildConfig.SDK_REALM, BuildConfig.SDK_ENVIRONMENT, BuildConfig.SDK_KEY, BuildConfig.SDK_CONFIG_URL, BuildConfig.SDK_API_CLIENT_REFERENCE, VERSION);

Initialize MetaOne SDK:


Step 3: Creating User Session

To successfully initialize a user session your back-end integration has to be ready first. Your backend should receive an Authorization token during the initialization request.

Initialize the session by calling:

metaOneSDKManager.login(token, this, callback)

Your session is initialized. You can now use all other functions that require Authorization

Call metaOneSDKManager.setupUserData() to initialize user profile data

Demo app project